Department of the Interior Bison fenced in angle bracketsOpen data, design, & development at the Office of Natural Resources Revenue

A user-centered approach: simplicity and complexity in a homepage graphic

August 12, 2021

UX interns go through the redesign and testing process of a homepage graphic to communicate the scope the site.

Getting stakeholder buy-in

May 19, 2021

How we used iterative wireframe reviews to get buy-in from stakeholders.

Six lessons from my time as a government product manager

March 19, 2021

As she gets ready for a new federal position, our first product manager reflects on all she has learned from her time on this team.

UX intern mission accomplished: plan and participate in a design studio

February 17, 2021

In this post, our intern discusses her experience planning and participating in a design studio.

Tree testing using a clickable prototype

December 18, 2020

We used a clickable prototype to conduct tree testing and thought we should share what we learned.