Department of the Interior Bison fenced in angle bracketsOpen data, design, & development at the Office of Natural Resources Revenue

Iā€™m just going to call my old friend Cody: why we created a troubleshooting guide

April 20, 2022

We added a troubleshooting guide to accompany contact information on This is our process.

Ensuring accessible content beyond the auto checks: making a diagram screen reader friendly

March 29, 2022

We discuss how we made a diagram accessible beyond auto check functionality by making it better for screen reader users.

Implementing Agile tools

February 10, 2022

An ONRR employee shares her experience implementing Agile tools after cross-training with the Open Data, Design, & Development team

Next steps for Section 508 compliance at the Office of Natural Resources Revenue: stakeholder interview findings

January 20, 2022

This blog post discusses our interview findings and outlines our next steps to ensure ONRR continues to be at the forefront of Section 508 compliance.

Breaking down silos by cross training

December 2, 2021

Are you looking for something to change your daily routine without changing jobs completely?