Open Data, Design, & Development at the Office of Natural Resources Revenue
Making open data useful
June 27, 2019We design our open data site with users. It's not enough to publish the data; our goal is publish the right data, in the right way, to make it as useful as possible.
Making tough content choices
May 16, 2019Fundamental to any content strategy is the process of balancing user needs, business objectives, and workflow requirements. Evaluating those variables leads to the real challenge to come: making difficult content choices.
Journey maps as communication tools
May 3, 2019We've been using journey maps as communication tools to share domain knowledge and information about user experiences.
Mapping revenue data by county
April 18, 2019We've been exploring options for the geographic representation of revenue data. In this post, we explore the variability in revenue data by county (with Python) and produce a choropleth map (with D3.js).
Content architecture: how we built support for multiple blog post authors
March 27, 2019How we modified this blog's starter template to apply the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle to content architecture for author details.